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● The VIBE Annual Soccer Tournament is designed for everyone to engage in a fun and competitive environment devised to offer an experience for individuals to mature and grow in sport.

● We expect that participants will display exemplary conduct which reflects the privileged position of participating in VIBE sanctioned sports.

● The “VIBE Annual Soccer Tournament Code of Conduct” has been implemented to facilitate a clear understanding regardings what is appropriate behaviour both on and off the field of play and as a representative of yourself, your team, and our company.



● The purpose of the “VIBE Annual Soccer Tournament Code of Conduct” is to ensure consistency regardings the expected behaviour and actions of tournament participants. The Code sets out resolutions for inappropriate behaviour and the punitive measures that may be utilized if deemed appropriate. Scope

● The “VIBE Annual Soccer Tournament Code of Conduct” will apply to the conduct of all participants while on the Event premises.



● Harassment: means engagement in conduct (including innuendo) which may be based on Human Rights grounds that is abusive, demeaning, threatening, vexatious, or intimidating, or involves the misuse of authority or power that exceeds the bounds of freedom of expression or academic freedom (excerpt from the City of Ottawa Statement on Conduct and Human Rights).

● Hazing/Bullying: means any act which endangers, or could reasonably be seen to endanger the mental or physical health or safety of an individual, for the purpose of initiation, admission into, affiliation with, or as a condition for continued membership in, a group or organization. For all intents and purposes, Hazing and Team Initiations of any form will be considered the same act under the Code. VIBE maintains a zero tolerance stance towards Hazing or Team Initiation activities, events, or rituals of any kind or form.

● Hearing: means a proceeding at which evidence and arguments may be presented on the matter at issue to be decided by a person or body having decision-making authority. Procedural options are dependent on the severity and complexity of the issue at hand and may include verbal notice and response, written notice and written response, or oral hearing.

Rights as a Tournament Participant

● Confidentiality: The importance of confidentiality of each participant disciplinary record is recognized and will be protected in accordance with legislative and policy obligations.

● Right to Fair Process and Natural Justice: Every participant who has been accused of violating the Code has the right to a hearing, if desired.

● To be informed in writing of the nature of the infraction.

● To be treated with procedural fairness and natural justice.

● To know, respond and seek clarification of evidence presented by witnesses.


● Alleged violations of the Code may be brought forward to an official. In all cases, the Leagues Assistant Manager (or designate) will carry out appropriate actions to investigate the alleged violation.

● Offences are not absolute, and will be defined on a case by case basis.

● Participants  who aid or abet another participant in the commission of an infraction of this Code will also be held liable for their actions.

● Offences include damage to property, facilities, and/or non-compliance with any tournament/event rule, regulation or policy.

● Offences are those which jeopardize the health, safety and/or security participants of the tournament, and/or arise from repeated offences.

● In the event there is a reasonable amount of evidence to determine that a violation of the Code has occurred (hazing, initiation or otherwise), the Leagues Assistant Manager will ensure the following steps are taken to validate and address the alleged violation:

○ Notification: Upon the completion of an investigation, written notices will be issued to the involved participants.

○ Decision Stage: Following the hearing, the Leagues Assistant Manager will make a decision based on all of the available evidence and will issue a decision letter to the involved participants.

○ Report Stage: A final report with recommendations to university senior management. Sanctions

● Appropriate sanctions for violations of the Code include, but are not limited to one or a combination of the following:

○ Suspension of the individual or team from the tournament. ○ Suspension of the individual or team for an entire season.

○ Revoking an Athletics facility privileges.

● Due to the time the time-sensitive nature of the tournament, every effort will be made to render a decision before the participants or team’s next competition.

Agreement: VIBE Annual Soccer Tournament Code of Conduct

● Participation in this tournament is a privilege and not a right. Expectations for conduct of Tournament Participants, in addition to those set out are applicable to all participants are as follows:

○ Tournament Participants are required to conduct themselves in accordance with the Rights and Responsibilities Policy and with this Code of Conduct.

○ Participants are expected to treat everyone with courtesy and respect within the context of their sport, regardless of gender, place or origin, colour or ethnicity, religion, political belief or economic status. This requirement prohibits any form of harassment or discrimination.

○ Participants must abide by the rules and regulations of their sport. Participants who perceive any conflict between the Policy and/or the Code, and the requirements of the rules and regulations of their sport, must immediately seek clarification from League Officials or Organizer.

○ Participants are expected to avoid any negative interaction or conflict with members of the opposing team except as they occur in the actual course of competition and which constitute, on behalf of their teams, the legitimate expression of the competitive spirit of their teams or team members.

○ Participants are expected to avoid the illegal use of “recreational” drugs (e.g. marijuana, cocaine, hashish) as well as consumption of alcohol while participating in an Intramural and/or Adult League